Monday, February 6, 2017

Student Hacks: Five Good Review Habits That Are Also Bad

Applying good study habits in your IELTS online review preparation can boost your chances of acquiring your desired band score. For instance, staying hydrated while reviewing can keep your mind clear and taking your IELTS online class in a quiet place can enhance your concentration.

review habits

However, keep in mind that some good study practices just do not work for certain people—like establishing a strict review schedule. While having a timetable can do wonders to your productivity, the underlying pressure to accomplish the set tasks can cause stress.

Similarly, taking a nap before starting your IELTS online review classes can boost your cognitive performance. However, resting for an hour can cause sleep inertia, the feeling of drowsiness after sleep. Attending your IELTS online program while fighting off sleep inertia not only reduces your learning capacity but also your memory retention.

Here are five examples of positive review habits that, when not applied correctly, can have adverse effects on your study experience.

Being comfortable
Good: Studying in an uncomfortable environment can reduce your concentration. The constant distraction caused by a cramped chair or a room that is too hot or too cold can disturb your thought process. If you do not fix whatever is troubling you, find a comfortable chair or transfer to a room that has a more tolerable temperature, you might spend more time squirming than studying.

Bad: Being too comfortable, however, can also be a problem. One of the benefits of enrolling in an IELTS online review courses is that it can be taken anytime, anywhere. No one will stop you from taking your classes while you are settled comfortably on your bed. The relaxed environment, however, can cause sleepiness and encourage laziness.

Listening to music
Good: Studies show that listening to music while studying not only combat the negative effects of stress but also improve your memory and mood. Pulling off all-nighters is easier with musical accompaniment as it can bolster your mental endurance and increase productivity.

Bad: While music is an excellent motivator, it is also a great distractor. Listening to lyrical songs can distract you from your studies especially when you are reading or writing. Since your ears are unconsciously picking up words from the music, it can jumble your train of thought, which leads to poor concentration and increased mistakes. Selections that feature catchy and boisterous music also affect your review comprehension and retention.

Reviewing with a full stomach
Good: Eating before taking your IELTS online class assures that you have an extended review period before your hunger can distract you. It also means that your body and mind are not deprived of energy and nutrients that they need to function well, especially if you have consumed brain-boosting foods.

Bad: As you study, your body breaks down the food you ate to assimilate the nutrients into your system. The biochemical changes that occur during digestion often induce certain physiological side effects. Drowsiness, notably, is the most common biological reaction. Reviewing while you are sleepy can lower your understanding, focus and memory recall.

Having a gadget at hand
Good: Technology is an essential tool to a successful IELTS online review session. Having an extra gadget at hand is advisable in case a technical issue renders your laptop unusable. Moreover, you can store your review materials on your mobile phone or tablet for backup purposes.

Bad: It goes without saying that your gadgets are also distractions. Texts from your peers and constant updates from your social media accounts can disturb your thought process and even divert your attention for certain periods. The fact that online connection is just a tap away from your mobile phone or tablet is a temptation too difficult to resist.

Taking a break
Good: Taking frequent breaks is a sure-fire way of staving off mental exhaustion and information overload. Depending on how you spend them, breaks can also be used to boost your cognitive performance and restore your energy. Some people engage in their hobbies to relax the mind while other take naps for a refreshes. Snacking on brain-empowering foods is also a common review break practice.

Bad: Problems can arise if you poorly regulate your break time. No matter what you decide to do during your brief study intermission, it is very tempting to extend your break. The more you prolong it, the more difficult it will be to get back to your review mindset.

Given all these points, it is best to test out review practices before fully integrating them into your IELTS review process. By making sure that they are compatible to your study objectives, you not only maximize your test preparation period but also bolster your chances of acquiring your band score goals.

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