Thursday, March 2, 2017

What Overthinking Does to Your Brain

The 2016 World Health Organization report showed that approximately 350 million people suffered from depression globally. In addition, accounts of people revealed that overanalyzing and worrying made them stuck in cycles of negative thinking or depressive rumination.

 result of overthinking


According to Liz Lockhart of Mental Healthy, researchers from Stanford University determined the neural network that is responsible for overthinking. Their study, published in Biological Psychiatry, explained that the default mode network supports passive, self-centered ideas that inflict negative thoughts. An example is having recurring thoughts about the low evaluation you received during the IELTS online coaching. When this happens, it can interfere with good problem-solving. For instance, it may deter your ability to function well while enrolled in an IELTS online training.

Adverse Effects of Overthinking

Focusing on negative thoughts not only impedes your performance in daily activities; it also affects your brain function. Listed below are detrimental effects of overthinking to the brain.

1. It can cause brain strain. Glucose, the brain's primary power source, is drained when you overthink. To avoid exhaustion, experts suggest taking a small piece of chocolate or any sweets before going on full study mode or attending IELTS online coaching.

2. It produces free radicals that kill brain cells. Overthinking may result in stress. When this happens, the cortisol (stress hormone) level increases. Irregular supply of cortisol creates additional glutamate, a neurotransmitter that produces free radicals or unattached oxygen molecules. These free radicals create holes in the brain cell walls that split them apart and cause them to die.

3. It stops the production of new brain cells. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNDF) is a protein essential for keeping brain cells healthy and stimulating new brain cell formation. When you overthink about stressful situations, say, your previous performance in the IELTS online training, the cortisol halts the production of BNDF, thus resulting in fewer brain cells. This can lead to more severe brain-related conditions, such as schizophrenia, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

4. It can lead to brain stroke. Excessive thinking results to hyperactivity. When the brain overworks, it suffers from oxygen deficiency. Research shows that the brain consumes 25 percent of the body’s oxygen. Insufficient supply of oxygen can lead to brain stroke.

5. It can contribute to brain inflammation. Stress caused by overthinking is one factor that contributes to the activation of microglia, a type of cell that guards the brain and spinal cord from toxins and inflammation. Though it acts as a protector, its production never stops once activated, leading to brain inflammation.
Irritation in the brain does not cause pain unlike in physical injuries, such as lacerations. However, it restricts energy production in brain cells, causing mental fatigue and slow neuron production.

The brain is a unique organ. Any complications will hamper humans and animals from functioning normally. Stop overthinking and focus on positive thoughts to counter depressive rumination.

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